This ministry deals directly with the membership (congregation) at MountMoriahAMEChurch.
Evangelism Explosion / S.W.A.T
Family Life Groups (FLG)
Volunteer Ministry
These ministries assist with facilitating the weekly worship services and programs as needed.
Pastor's Aide
Professional Ministry Technicians (PMTs)
Nurses Guild
These ministries assist persons with spiritual and personal
growth to strengthen their Christian walk.
Focus on Family Ministries
Marriage Enrichment
Men's Fellowship
Women's Fellowship
Wonderful Life Singles Ministry
These ministries are the teaching arms of our ministry. This is where the congregants come to increase and strengthen their Biblical knowledge.
Bible Institute
Church School
Lay Organization
These ministries deal with all the media and communication needs of Moriah Ministries.
Audio & Lighting
Information Technology
Moriah City Magazine
Public Relations
Multi-Media Ministry
These ministries assist not only the congregants of Mount Moriah, but give back to the community providing resources and assistance when needed.
Vanessa McKinney Cancer Support
Angela D. Lowe Crisis Intervention
Esther Ministry
Florida Parker Missionary Society
Financial Wellness
Legal Ministry
Ministry to the Sick & Shut In
Transportation Ministry
These ministries deliver God's message of redemption and hope through music, dance, step, mime and the spoken word.
Abundance Liturgical Dance
Ambassadors in Motion "AIMing for the Kingdom"
MoriahCity Players
Moriah Music Ministry
Signs of Glory
PROMISE HOUSE Pastor: Rev. Anthony Herron
These ministries are a part of the youth & young
adult ministries of Mount Moriah. To receive Promise House specific information and/or schedules, please call 718-276-1908x127 or email
1930s Ministry
Promise House Choirs
Sons of Jacob
Kings Daughters
Young People's Department (YPD)
Is the bridge between the Promise House Ministry and the Mount Moriah Ministry, focusing on the needs of young adults from the ages of 19 through 30. Their responsibilities include training those under them to take position in the Promise House as a training ground for the main ministry. If you are interested in being part of this ministry, please call 718-276-1908 x 159 or email Join Now
Abundance Liturgical Dance
If you are interested in delivering God’s Word through dance, please call 718-276-1908x228 or email Registration for this ministry takes place every September. Join Now
Ambassadors in Motion (AIM Mime Ministry)
AIM supports the body of Christ by stirring the masses to see, hear and feel God's presence through the demonstrative creative movement of Mime (Pantomime, sign, dance & drama). If you are interested in becoming a part of this ministry, please call 718-276-1908 x144 or email Join Now
Angela D. Lowe (ADL) Crisis Intervention
ADL Crisis Intervention Ministry provides outreach to its members and community through educational forums and intervention in the areas of HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, mental health, domestic violence, and children & family supportive services. If you are in need of assistance or if you are in the healthcare and social work field and would like to help, please call 718-276-1908 x176 or email Meetings are held every 2nd Friday at 7:30pm. Join Now
Audio & Lighting
We support the audio and visual aspect for events and worship service, allowing the Word of God to be heard with excellence. If you are interested, please call 718-276-1908 x 105 or email Join Now
Bible Institute
BIBLE INSTITUTE is the place where you can learn the Word of God, taking a deeper look at the truths presented in the Bible. The Institute runs each year from September through June on Wednesday evening at 7:30pm. Feel free to audit any of the classes if you missed the September registration. Call 718-276-1908 x131 for additional information. Join Now
Church School
Church School is also known as “Sunday School”. If you have a teaching gift and are interested in helping people learn more about the Word of God, please call 718-276-1908x121 or email Church School classes are held every Saturday from 11-12:30pm for ages 3 and up. Feel free to come join us to learn the Word of God! Join Now
Esther Ministry
Esther Ministry helps persons that are transitioning through local shelters by providing support and resources. If you need assistance or wish to lend a helping hand to those in need, please call 718-276-1908x142 or email Meetings are held every 1st Thursday at 7pm. Join Now
Evangelism Explosion / S.W.A.T.
This is the ministry that starts it all. SWAT reaches beyond the four walls of the church and hits the streets to minister to the Good News of Jesus Christ.
If you have a desire to follow Jesus' commandment to "go forth and preach the gospel", then this is the ministry for you. For more information, please call: 718-276-108 x111 or email Join Now
Family Life Groups (FLG)
The liaison between our pastor and the body of Christ charged with building communities through small group meetings and personal contact. If you are interested in leading a group or being a group administrator, meetings are held every 2nd Monday of the month at 7pm in the sanctuary. Or please call 718-276-1908 x147 or email Join Now
Financial Wellness Ministry
Financial Wellness assists the body of Christ in learning what the word of God says concerning their finances. For additional information, please call 718-276-1908 x 143 or email Join Now.
Florida Parker Missionary Society
Florida Parker Missionary Society provides aid and support through several community outreach programs such as “Angel Tree”, shelter organizations, relief efforts, etc. If you are passionate about helping those in need, please call 718-276-1908x145 or email Meetings are held every 1st Friday at 7pm. Join Now
Focus on Family Ministries
Focus on Family Ministries is the overarching umbrella that assists in providing support, spiritual nurturing and guidance to the family system. Through its components such as Marriage Enrichment, Singles Ministry, Men’s/Women’s Fellowship and Foster Parent Ministry, Focus on Family Ministries will recognize the unique needs of the family as a system and seek to provide the positive interaction and support family units require. It is vital to minister not only to individuals and to various age groups within the church, but to the family as a whole. To contact phone: 718-276-1908 x106 or email Join Now
Gatekeepers are our in-house security team. They are charged with keeping order during all services and programs as needed. If you are interested in keeping the house of the Lord safe, please call 718-276-1908 x146 or email Join Now
This ministry welcomes all into the house of God each week with the joy of the Lord and a smile! If you are interested in bringing smiles to the face of those entering the house, please call 718-276-1908 or email Join Now
Hospitality Ministry
This ministry caters to the needs of our special guests and events. If you have a heart for service, this is the ministry for you! If interested please call 718-276-1908 x173 or email Join Now
Information Technology (IT)
IT is the technical arm of the ministry, handling the computer system for the church administration, building networking needs, interfacing of equipment to ensure compatibility, etc. If this is your passion, please call 718-276-1908 x 164 or email Join Now
Kings Daughters
Kings Daughters is a mentorship program for young ladies aged 7-16. To enroll your daughter please call 718-276-1908 or email Meetings are held every Saturday at 9am. Join Now
Lay Organization
The Lay Organization instills our members with a greater appreciation and knowledge of the history and tradition of the AME church. If you are interested, please call 718-276-1908x147 or email Meetings take place every 2nd Monday at 8pm. Join Now
Legal Ministry
Legal Ministry provides legal interpretation and information from Christian attorneys. We support the body of Christ through education. If you have any legal experience and would like to assist or if you would like a schedule of the upcoming workshops, please call 718-276-1908x148 or email Join Now
Marriage Enrichment
Marriage Enrichment Ministry provides support to married and engaged couples. Discussions, workshops as well as quarterly fellowships are designed to promote healthy, spiritual marital unions. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, call 718-276-1908 x 106 or email Meetings are held every 2nd Friday at 7:30pm. Join Now
Men's Fellowship
Men’s Fellowship provides men with a safe place to openly discuss issues relating specifically to men. To unite with the men of the house for support and spiritual strength, please call 718-276-1908x151 or email Meetings are held every Tuesday evening at 7:30pm. Join Now
Ministry of to the Sick & Shut In
Ministry to the Sick & Shut In provides comfort and aid to those that are not capable to make it to the house. They provide prayer, communion to anyone that is house bound. If you have a heart to pray and a desire to lend a helping hand to people in need, please call 718-276-1908 x 154 or email Join Now
MoriahCity Magazine
Moriah City Magazine is our quarterly magazine. If you are a gifted writer, or editor and enjoy working with graphics, this is the ministry for you! To contribute to this publication, please call 718-276-1908 x 153 or email Join Now
MoriahCity Players
MoriahCity Players visually portrays the message of Jesus Christ in an evangelistic, realistic and simplistic thought provoking method which uplifts and educates the viewer. If you are interested in this ministry, please call 718-276-1908 x 110 or email Meetings take place every Thursday at 7:30pm. Meeting/rehearsals schedules vary during the time of our annual productions. Join Now
Moriah Music Ministry
Moriah Music Ministry's vision is to evoke; praise & worship within the body of Christ with songs, hymns & spiritual melodies, making harmony with skillful purpose that elevates spiritual growth. If you are interested in joining our purpose, please call 718-276-1908 x 152 or email Registration for this ministry takes place every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Join Now
Multi-Media Ministry
The Multi-Media Ministry builds the body of Christ through the sale of media. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, call 718-276-1908 x 163 or email Join Now
Media-Tech strives to ensure that all in house and global presentations are broadcasted to the public with excellence. They can be reached at 718-276-1908 x167 or email Join Now
Nurses Guild
NURSES GUILD Building healthy bodies for a healthier church by maintaining a balance with the spiritual body and the physical body through Christ who strengthens us. If you have any medical training and are interested in assisting us, please feel free to call at 718-276-1908 x 155 or email Meetings take place every 4th Monday at 7pm. Join Now
Pastor's Aide
PASTOR’S AIDE committee coordinates the Pastoral celebrations that are held. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please call 718-276-1908 x 157. Meetings take place every 2nd Tuesday at 7pm. Join Now
Professional Ministry Technicians (PMTs)
PMTs serve to promote the organized and orderly movement of worshippers in the house of God enabling all to offer reverent worship to God and enjoy courteous Christian fellowship. If you are interested in this ministry, please call 718-276-1908 x 158 or email Meetings take place every 4th Monday at 7pm. Join Now
Promise House Choirs
Children of Promise Choir is for those members of the Promise House ages 3-12; Promised Onez Choir is for the those members of the Promise House ages 13-19, If you are interested, please call 718-276-1908 x 120 or email Rehearsals are held every Saturday @ 1pm and Thursday at 6pm, respectively. Join Now
Public Relations (PR)
PR promote, publicize and produce collateral materials (electronic print media) for all activities and events that emanate out of Mount Moriah for God’s Kingdom. Our focus is to promote out to bring in new souls to Christ. If you are interested in helping with public relations, please call 718-276-1908 x 160 or email Join Now
Signs of Glory
Signs of Glory uses American Sign Language to interpret and minister the word of God. We also teach sign language in order to prepare persons to minister in sign. If you are interested, please call 718-276-1908x174 or email Registration for this ministry takes place every September. If you are experienced in sign language, please contact the administrator at any time of the year. Join Now
Sons of Jacob
Sons Of Jacob is a mentorship program for young men aged 7-16. To enroll your son please call 718-276-1908 x156 or email Meetings are held every Saturday at 9am. Join Now
Transportation Ministry
Transportation Ministry provides safe transportation for the body of Christ. If you have a CDL license with a clean drives license or NYS Defensive Driving certificate, please call 718-276-1908 or email Join Now
Tutoring is available for students in grades 1-12. All subjects are offered as well as training for SAT exams, college entrance exams, etc. Help is available every Thursday evening beginning at 5:30pm. For additional information, please call 718-276-1908 x 177, Join Now
This ministry provides moral and spiritual support to those persons or families dealing with cancer. We also provide a confidential sounding board. If you are a patient, survivor, or caregiver, please feel free to call 718-276-1908 x 121. Join Now
Volunteer Ministry
Volunteer Ministry helps members find their place and purpose in the house. You can choose to become a part of a ministry, or just volunteer for specific events based on your availability. If you are interested in volunteering or becoming a part of the volunteer assimilation process, please call 718-276-1908 x172 or email Join Now
Women Of Worship
Women’s Fellowship provides women with a safe place to openly discuss issues relating specifically to women. If you wish to meet with other women for support and spiritual strength. For more information please call 718-276-1908 x170 or email Meetings take place every 2nd & 4th Tuesday at 7:30pm and 3rd Friday at 7:00pm. Join Now
Wonderful Life Singles Ministry
SINGLES MINISTRY offers support and encouragement to the singles community through the word of God to live holy, righteously and victoriously. If you are single and wish to meet with other singles for support and spiritual strength, please call 718-276-1908 x 161 or email Meetings are held every 2nd Saturday at 5pm. Join Now
Young People’s Department (YPD)
YPD is designed, similar to that of the Lay Organization, teaching our youth about the AME denomination by participating in the various conferences and conventions held. All youth attending an AME church should be enrolled in their local YPD. To enroll your child, please call 718-276-1908 x 125 or email Meetings are held every 2nd Friday at 7pm. Join Now.